Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Video of Battleship TV Spot (Super Bowl) With New Scenes

Hasbro struck box-office gold by hooking up with Michael Bay for the Transformers films, and it looks like the toymaker is hoping to do something very similar with Battleship and director Peter Berg. As millions of people saw Sunday, courtesy of the above Super Bowl ad, the movie doesn’t simply feature naval-based combat, but (and stop us if this sounds familiar) a group of military figures doing its best to stop an invasion by armored aliens.

Video of Alexander Skarsgard Ringing the NASDAQ Bell in NYC

'Meloncholia' on Blu-Ray/DVD to be Released March 13th

Click here to pre-order at Amazon

Untagged Photos of Alexander Skarsgard at DeLeon Tequila Party on Feb 9th in NYC

Photos of Alexander Skarsgard in New York on Feburary 10th (Tagged)

Videos of Alex Skarsgard and Peter Berg Interview for 'Battleship'

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More Photos of Alexander Skarsgard at NASDAQ on Monday

Photos of Alex at Hasbro's American International Toy Fair

Close-up of Alexander Skarsgard at Hasbro’s American International Toy Fair showroom (February 13, 2012, NYC).

Video of Alexander Skarsgard and Peter Berg Interview with MTV for 'Battleship'

Photos of Alexander Skarsgard Ringing the NASDAQ Bell Promoting 'Battleship'